Take a look at DynAA Tool

Key Features

  • Develop a new piece of software or hardware that needs to integrate with other components that may or may not exist yet


  • Software and hardware developpers

Benefits for the User

  • Java simulation environment provides a fast, and extensible implementation for model based design


  • DynAA receives as input three models (views) of the system, the task model, the physical model, and the function to task allocation (F to T mapping model)


  • A system simulated in DynAA produces a simulation log that can be post processed to extract system Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and their evolution during the simulation time. Typical plots that can be extracted from DynAA are energy consumption profile, communication latency and throughput for each channel, task activation rate profiles, reliability of the system, etc.

Role in the CERBERO Toolchain

  • Within CERBERO, DynAA is used to model, analyse, and simulate aspects of the CPSs under design in early stages of the development.

Tool Highlight

[Table: DynAA]


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